View and download 127 Dark Icons + Wallpaper - By Traf

Is this really free?

Short answer


Yes, this is really free.
You don't pay anything at all, and there are no hidden fees or catches.

How long can I use the theme?

Short answer


You can keep using the themes for as long as you want to.
It's up to whether you decide to keep using the same theme or to switch to another one from our website with time

What am I downloading?

You're downloading a rar with 127 Dark Icons + Wallpaper - By Traf
The rar is protected with password which you can find in the 'Description' tab. After you download it and insert the password, you can install/use the theme for free!

Phone Version
127 Dark Icons + Wallpaper - By Traf

Phone Version
127 Dark themed minimalist icons + wallpaper made by Traf

This pack contains 127 original dark themed minimalist icons designed by Traf.
You can find most of the icons you'll ever need in this pack.
All 127 icons are designed with care, from Activity to Zoom.
This package also contains two dark wallpapers.


Author PFP
Traf is a digital product designer and front-end developer.
You can see traf at any of the links below.

Pc Version
127 Dark Icons + Wallpaper - By Traf

Pc Version
127 Dark themed minimalist icons + wallpaper made by Traf

This pack contains 127 original dark themed minimalist icons designed by Traf.
You can find most of the icons you'll ever need in this pack.
All 127 icons are designed with care, from Activity to Zoom.
This package also contains two dark wallpapers.


Author PFP
Traf is a digital product designer and front-end developer.
You can see traf at any of the links below.